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Immortal Seduction Page 3

  Tanner released an explosive sigh that sent his overlong bangs sailing into the air before they settled in his eyes once more. Since the first day he'd been introduced to his new partner, Tanner had been hooked. He never understood what people meant when they talked about obsession, or addiction. The idea that a person could allow something like cocaine destroy body and mind was ludicrous to him. Who would cause themselves pain intentionally just for a few moments of pleasure?

  Now he knew the answer to that question. He would. He already had, and could not produce enough self-control to curb his masochistic desire to be around his partner.

  The truth was he was everything that Darren hated, all wrapped up in one nice tidy package. He wasn't disciplined, organized, punctual, focused, or unemotional. Not only that, he had the audacity to try to get Darren to lighten up and actually find pleasure in the work they did and their pursuits outside of that. Might as well attempt keeping his floor clean of clothes for a whole month, such was the magnitude of the impossible task.

  But now there was a sign of hope. A single star had shone in the twilight of his goal, and that was Darren letting go of his legendary control long enough to drive his tongue into Tanner's mouth in a way that was more than suggestive. He had not even glanced up and down the hallway first to make sure they would not be spotted. Tanner considered the event a major victory, and proof that maybe he wasn't wasting his afterlife chasing a man who would forever be beyond his reach.

  That newfound hope was what caused him to walk away smiling like an idiot from a confrontation that would send most people into a depression. He was used to getting negative attention from Darren, and he could survive on that because it was at least something. But he wanted to do more than survive, and for that he needed more stolen moments when the older Retriever let his guard down and stopped analyzing long enough to feel.

  At least he knew now that Darren could be attracted to men. He might not want to be, and would assuredly fight those sensations with every fiber of his being, but he had been hardening against Tanner's stomach while they were embracing, and there had been nothing platonic about the way Darren stroked the male face beneath his hands and devoured Tanner's mouth.

  It was now time for phase two of his scheme for seducing the experienced Retriever. Stage one had been insinuating himself further into the man's life, becoming part of his routine and a familiar presence. He wanted Darren to know that he was here to stay, no matter what kind of abuse was slung at him.

  The Chief had been kind enough to warn Tanner about his top agent's abrasive quirks. He definitely wanted Tanner in his division because of his unique talents, but he was willing to rearrange the pairings under his guidance and place an agent that was in another unit with Darren so that Tanner could be around a more pleasant partner and not be scared away before his orientation period ended. Tanner had flat-out refused. After seeing Darren stalk around the office like he was the man in charge, he was fascinated. No one else would do, he had to be paired with that dominant, alpha male. Not only would he learn the most from Darren, but he enjoyed nothing less than a challenge.

  Darren certainly did not disappoint. From the moment of their introduction, he made his feelings clear about being paired with a “brat.” He was sarcastic and rude every minute of every hour they worked together. As Tanner befriended the other agents in the division, he slowly learned about Darren's horrible track record with partners. None of the other agents had been with the division as long as Darren, but each had at least one story to tell about the way the man drove people crazy, and drove them away.

  All their talk had just made Tanner more determined to succeed in being the cold man's partner. He had endured unending abuse, physical and mental, in the years he was alive and then even after. Torment was nothing new to him, and if all he had to worry about was one anal man who yelled at him while he got to live in a comfortable suite, eat all the food he wanted, and do a job he loved, then he wasn't about to complain.

  Because he really did love his job. Helping ghosts who had been wandering around in pain to finally find peace was gratifying. Then there were the cases like the one they were currently assigned, where they got to protect the living by doing their job. Completing those also brought a sense of pride and accomplishment.

  Thinking about their latest case made Tanner realize he was going to be late for his rendezvous with an intolerant partner if he couldn't find where he had flung his other sneaker last night. He searched in all the usual spots: under the bed, behind the couch, and, yes, even in the refrigerator. When he tripped on it racing into the bathroom, and landed on his face, all he felt was relief.

  He did receive a small token for his clumsiness, a scratch on his cheek that surface bled a bit until he cleaned it. He steamed about the unfairness of still feeling pain after death all the way down the hall to the division offices. He couldn't wait until he had been dead as long as Darren and these little injuries that he was always falling into didn't cause residual pain.

  During one past case he had witnessed his partner burning his hand with a lighter in an attempt to get untied, and the man hadn't so much as grimaced or whimpered in pain. Flesh and blood dripping down his arms was apparently no biggie.

  Yes, it was definitely time to step up his game plan and be more aggressive. He was done luring Darren with his nimble body from afar. Stage two required him to make as much bodily contact as possible and prolong it until he was forced to stop in one way or another. Most likely Darren would complain to the Chief that he was being harassed, but that was a risk Tanner didn't mind taking.

  If he had to walk around in a state of uncomfortable arousal all the time, there was no reason the object of his fascination should be spared a little discomfort. Turn about was fair play.

  * * * *

  Darren was standing by their connected desks when Tanner burst through the glass doors in a panting blur of energy. Darren was dressed in his usual dark dress slacks and tailored shirt ensemble, his trademark black trench coat slung across the back of his rolling desk chair. His arms were crossed in front of his chest, his wristwatch clearly visible for him to glance at and then shoot menacing looks across the room to the main entrance doors.

  Tanner's eyes were drawn to the strong hands that had caressed and aroused him not twenty-four hours ago. He wanted to feel them on his body again, on more needy areas than his face and waist. He desperately needed those strong fingers to touch his cock through the abrasive fabric of his jeans and rub him until he blacked out with pleasure and came in his pants.

  It was a nice fantasy, one that had him hardening instantly, but the man before him did not seem to have warmed to his presence since ordering him away the night before.

  Tanner would have laughed out loud if he had not still been attempting to catch his breath. At least they had one thing in common. No matter how contrasting their personalities and styles of dress were, both were predictably unvaried from one day to the next. He was ever the horny teenager, while Darren continued to play the unreachable Greek god.

  "Sorry to keep you waiting for my stunning presence. This natural beauty does need some maintenance, believe it or not,” Tanner opened with a tease and wink. Maybe he should have stopped after only one cup of coffee. Anything more than that and he risked the very real chance of Darren going on this reconnaissance mission without him.

  "While you are grooming, there is still the ghost of a madman on Earth plotting to kill a young woman. Maybe next time you can wait to comb your hair until after we do our job."

  Darren's words were the usual angry snarl that passed for communication from him in the morning. He really needed to come over for some coffee before starting the day. Tanner knew he used to drink it every day when he was living, and didn't understand the point of refusing it now that he didn't need it. The afterlife was all about cutting things out for Darren. All that mattered was being independent of any people or needs.

  Tanner vowed that attitude was about to go the
way of the dodo. The insufferable man was going to find out the true meaning of ‘need.'

  "Fair enough,” he responded good-naturedly. Darren grunted. “And I was not wasting time combing my hair."

  His partner's disdainful glance at his messy golden locks did not argue disbelief.

  "I was looking for my shoe. I need to start leaving them in the same place when I take them off."

  "Among other things."

  Tanner ignored Darren's rude interruption and continued with his story. “I even suffered a wound in my brave battle to save my sneaker. See?” He pointed to the scratch on his cheek that was already beginning to scab.

  "Should I be impressed?"

  "I thought you might want to kiss it and make the hurt go away."

  Darren's eyes widened in shock after the seriously-delivered words. His body was so still it felt like the moment was frozen in time. Then his eyes narrowed and the pulse in his throat leapt with anger. He leaned close enough to Tanner's face that his warm breath tickled the sensitive microscopic hairs, and ground his words out through clenched teeth. “Don't think anything has changed between us just because I had a moment of insanity last night and was nicer to you than you deserve. It will not happen again, ever."

  Then Darren stormed off to check in with the Chief, no doubt to let him know they were about to head to Earth and investigate the house of the serial killer's final target. Tanner stood where he was, biting his lip to stop the goofy grin his emotions were calling for.

  Darren wouldn't have been so angry if he wasn't deeply disturbed by what had happened between them the night before. He probably spent his whole night of not sleeping thinking about the feeling of Tanner in his arms. Those thoughts had certainly occupied Tanner's mind as he brought himself to completion in the dark before drifting off to sleep.

  Darren returned and signaled with a nod that it was time for their transference. To cross over to Earth required metaphysical transportation that could be accomplished by any ghost not bound by an incantation. The ghosts that served the A.A.A. had any bindings dispelled upon admittance to the organization, and were therefore free to travel wherever their minds specified.

  Tanner focused on the address of their target's house. Alicia Brody lived in a one-story house on the rural outskirts of a town in New York called Amnesty. He clearly pictured the photograph of the house that had been provided along with the case file. Closing his eyes and relaxing his breathing, he released his hold on the particles that made up his ghostly form. It felt like melting as he vaporized and disappeared, only to reappear on a well-maintained green lawn. He immediately searched for Darren, and found him on the cobblestoned pathway leading up to the door of what appeared to be a quaint cottage.

  "Freaking show off,” Tanner mumbled as he followed Darren to the door. Someday his transference skills would be as accurate as his partner's, but right now they could use some work.

  "Our cover is we are detectives from the NYPD who are here to question her about this serial killer. The man was spotted in this area before his death, and we need her statement in order to complete our follow up report on the investigation. I'll do the introductions. You just follow my lead."

  "Yes, sir, Lieutenant Cox,” Tanner joked with mock subservience. He was used to Darren's expectations by now. He was supposed to stand behind his partner with a dumb look on his face, and try his best not to interfere or do his job in any way. Yeah, right.

  The woman who answered the door fit the perpetrator's victim profile perfectly. She was a petite brunette with long hair and an athletic physique. The fact that she lived in this house located off the beaten path would have made her an easy target. Her polite expression showed a combination of curiosity and wariness, and she wouldn't open the front door all the way.

  "Good morning ma'am. I am Lieutenant Cox, and this is my partner, Officer Simms. We'd like a moment of your time to ask some questions, if you can spare it."

  They produced their ‘badges’ and flipped them open to verify their identities. The woman's face immediately softened, and she opened the door fully to admit them into her home.

  On the way to her living room, Tanner whispered, “I don't even get to be a sergeant?"

  Darren returned his question with a look that was meant to be a reprimand for him daring to speak out loud before receiving permission. He smiled deviously and followed his partner into the comfortable room, decorated in breezy, floral patterns. He sat down on the couch next to Darren, close enough that his partner had to shift away so that their thighs weren't touching. He was angry with Darren for completely ignoring the activities they had engaged in the night before and continuing to be a cold bastard towards him. This interview seemed like the perfect opportunity to initiate stage two. He knew any physical gestures he made in front of a valuable source for their case would be ignored in favor of obtaining vital information. He just had to be careful not to push too far.

  Alicia chose the sofa chair across from the couch and stared questioningly at the small amount of space between their bodies.

  "Ms. Brody, we have some questions for you concerning a Mr. Alex Creaton."

  "Please, call me Alicia. That name sounds familiar, but I can't place the face."

  "You probably heard about him on the news. He was called the ‘Serpent Saint’ because of the way he would sacrifice his murder victims on the altars of churches and other religious establishments."

  "Yes, I do remember that news piece now. They said that he died from something in his own house. What does any of that have to do with me?"

  Tanner only partially listened as his partner explained their cover story again. Most of his senses were focused on the natural energy within the house and in the yard outside. If a ghost was in the vicinity, he would feel the unnatural energy, especially the dark pulsations emitted by a ghost using demonic powers to remain across the Veil.

  He quieted his thoughts and sent his magnified paranormal awareness out into the back yard. He could sense small animals and many types of flowers, including roses, but no dark energy. Their ghostly offender was not haunting his intended victim's house at the moment. Where else could he be?

  He reeled his senses back into the house and on to the couch where he lounged. His part of this field trip was done. Now it was time to enjoy making his explosive partner squirm. He casually stretched his legs, moving them closer to Darren's so that their thighs were touching once more.

  Darren shot him a dark, warning glance, but was obviously unwilling to draw more attention to his acts by getting up and moving. Darren continued his line of questioning as if nothing out of the ordinary were happening. Tanner tried to rub up against him every day. Standard operating procedure.

  "Have you noticed anything suspicious happening around your house? Things being moved or going missing without explanation? Any strange noises?"

  "No, I really can't say that I have."

  Tanner casually moved his hand so that it rested on the muscled thigh of his soon-to-be-incensed partner. He felt the muscles immediately contract, and out of the corner of his eye saw Darren lock his jaw. Alicia glanced at his hand and hastily looked away, trying to ignore what was right before her eyes.

  He had to give the Ice Man credit. Darren didn't betray his discomfort by looking at Tanner or screaming at the top of his lungs for the hand to be removed.

  "Do you attend a local church?"

  "Yes, I do. There's a Catholic parish about twenty-five minutes from here. I go every Sunday morning."

  "What is the name of the church, ma'am?"

  "Our Lady of Hope Catholic Church."

  Alicia rattled off the address as Tanner began to slowly massage the firm flesh under his palm. He could feel himself getting excited as he rubbed in small, slow circles, moving closer and closer to the center of the long legs. It was clear that Darren was having a harder time concentrating on his job. He asked Alicia to repeat the address so he could remember to write it down this time.

continued to stare straight ahead and pretend to be interested in the family photos that decorated the walls behind Alicia's chair.

  Tanner skimmed his hand along his partner's inner thigh and was rewarded with the man tensing up and dropping his pen on the taupe carpet. Darren stood with a look of murderous intent on his face and retrieved the pen before thanking Alicia for her time. Tanner politely thanked her as well and followed his fuming partner out of the tiny house that probably would not have been able to withstand his anger.

  "Where's your patrol car?” Alicia asked from the porch as she shielded her eyes from the sun and scanned her driveway.

  "We parked it down the street, around the bend where it is hidden by the forest. Didn't want to startle you unnecessarily."

  Alicia still looked confused, and that wariness was creeping back into her eyes, but she let the matter drop and returned to her normal life inside of her average home. She had no idea what kind of men had just darkened her doorstep, and was obviously not overly concerned.

  Darren, it seemed, was so angry he wouldn't even speak to Tanner yet. He showed Tanner the piece of paper with the church's address on it and then stormed off down the road so he could transfer in the surrounding forest where their hostess could not see.

  By the time Tanner caught up with Darren's furious strides, Darren had blinked out of the area and left Tanner little choice but to follow. He came back to himself in the cool, echoing sanctuary of a palatial church with a vaulted ceiling. His eyes adjusted to the dim interior, lit only by candles and the sunshine that could fight its way through the dark, stained glass windows. The air smelled like incense, and the overpowering fragrance was triggering the memories of a headache as he searched the shadowed corners and pews for his partner.